The Honorable Carolina Lugo, an LA County Superior Court Judge visited sixth grade students in Lumina Lagos’ class at Maxson School to share her educational and career journey including 20 years as an attorney and three years as a judge.
Judge Lugo knew from a young age that she wanted to be a lawyer and help people and she truly loves what she does.
Her parents were from Mexico and didn’t speak English. When she was seven years old her father died and she had to serve as her family’s mouthpiece and earpiece. She shared with the students how difficult that was, and the many struggles she and her mother faced until they met a young law student who helped them.
“As a child I didn’t think a lawyer or abogado would be anything like us, but when we met with the law student he spoke Spanish and made us feel very comfortable,” said Judge Lugo. “He used his pen like a wand and wrote letters for us and our problems were disappearing. I wanted to do that, to have the power to solve people’s problems. That meeting with the young law student changed my life forever,” she said.
She had many doubters along the way, but that drove her to push even harder to reach her goals. She encouraged the students to read often because reading is what helped her to succeed.
“Reading saved my life. All I wanted to do was read so I could know as many words as possible. The more words I knew equaled more protection for my family. It doesn’t matter what you read, just read,” she said.
Sharing her experience in law school Judge Lugo stated that she was in a classroom with the smartest kids, and it was hard but fun.
“Most don’t make it through their first year of law school, it’s the hardest,” she said. “I got married right before I started law school and had children while I was in law school. It was really hard to juggle it all but I made it through. We can’t give up. Just because things are hard doesn’t mean we stop. Never give up pursuing your dreams and goals.”
Judge Lugo’s passion for her work is evident and she advised the students that whatever they do in life it should be something they love.
“Find the thing you love to do and do it. You will succeed and be great at it because you love it,” she said. “I spent 20 years as a lawyer and every day I felt I was doing something to make things better. All my hard work paid off when I was appointed to be a judge. I’ve spent three years as a judge, and I love it even more. I hope each of you realize that your potential is limitless and you can find similar success and joy in your work.”