As classrooms, playgrounds and campuses remain quiet, with Mountain View School District’s (MVSD) students learning from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Team Mountain View is working diligently to provide instruction, resources and support from home offices and empty classrooms and campuses.
MVSD’s dedicated team spent the summer months preparing to pivot to new online learning platforms in order to provide students with high quality, rigorous and engaging learning experiences. Whether developing distance learning curriculum and schedules preparing and distributing devices, cleaning and sanitizing work spaces, teachers, classified staff and administrators worked tirelessly to prepare for the new way of schooling.
“Our teachers and staff have continued to work extremely hard to provide effective distance learning with interactive engaging lessons and social emotional support for students,” said Lillian Maldonado French, Superintendent. “They have persevered as they’ve been forced to learn new ways of teaching and reaching out to families remotely and have definitely grown as educators in ways we could never have imagined.”
Along with the unending effort to become more adept with online teaching/learning, teachers and support staff have also had to deal with computer issues, log on glitches, and even a Zoom crash during the first week of school.
Board of Education president, Jacqueline Saldaña expressed her appreciation to the Mountain View team for the tremendous effort to provide instruction, support and resources for students during distance learning.
“As an employee in another school district trying to navigate these uncharted waters during the pandemic, I have a lot of sympathy and empathy for our team,” said Saldaña. “It’s important to practice patience and grace and in doing so, together we will get through this and all move forward.”
Laura Gaber, teacher at Miramonte School is impressed with how well her 2nd grade students have adapted to distance learning.
“The kids are amazing and have really adjusted to our new Zoom classroom and online learning,” she said. “Our parents are working very hard too and we are all pulling together to pull this off.”
Even though everyone misses having students on campus and would prefer in-person teaching, keeping optimistic and finding a silver lining in the new distance format has been helpful.
“I miss being face-to-face with my students and colleagues tremendously, but I have enjoyed going into my students’ homes each day and connecting with their families,” said Erin Lewis, SDC teacher at Cogswell School. “Sometimes when we work on an activity in class the whole family participates. It’s nice to see them all in the Zoom box supporting my student and learning together.”
As Team Mountain View continues to navigate through this historic time in education, it remains committed to providing students and families the tools they need to be successful academically, emotionally and socially, and continuing its mission of inspiring each student to succeed every day.