The Mountain View School District’s Saturday Interactive Language Fun Enrichment Program is providing students the opportunity to explore Mandarin and Spanish during an 8-week program. Through a partnership with Cultural Bytes Interactive Language Program, MVSD’s Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 1st grade students and their siblings in 2nd through 5th grade are spending their Saturday’s engaged in interactive, highly academic, cultural and fun enrichment in a total immersion game based environment.
During the three-hour Saturday classes students are able to interact and be engaged in Spanish or Mandarin through culturally rich song, dance, and craft activities; interactive game based language learning; and differentiated language learning opportunities. The instructors speak in both Spanish and Mandarin and implement a language curriculum that includes the four domains of language learning: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The 8-week program concludes on March 9 with a student performance for parents.
Held at Payne School, the goal of the program is to enhance interest in MVSD’s existing Biliteracy/Dual Language program along with future Dual Language Programs at the schools. The District is committed to expanding its existing Biliteracy/Dual Language program and offer diverse language opportunities to students.
“The Saturday Language Fun Enrichment Program is a wonderful program for our students and we are very excited to provide this engaging opportunity for our students and families,” said Dr. Margarita Gonzalez Amador, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and English Learners. “The students are really enjoying the instruction which not only promotes cultural awareness and language acquisition in their native language, but does it in a fun and exciting way.”