Parents in the Mountain View School District are becoming quite technologically savvy by participating in Summer Technology Workshops where they’ve gained skills to support their children and enhance their ability to be more engaged with their child’s school and teacher.
Through a series of 10-week virtual workshops, facilitated by the Parent Educational Bridge for Student Academics Foundation (PEBSAF), and led by Google Certified instructors, MVSD parents learned Google applications and applied skills for communicating with email, creating documents, attaching and uploading documents into learning management platforms, creating slide presentations, and accessing their child’s information through District platforms such as AERIES and Schoology Parent Portals.
“Our parents are hungry to learn and have really taken to the technology workshops,” said Martha Cabrera, District Community Liaison. “It’s amazing what they’ve learned and what they can do like creating slides with animation and pictures and I’m so proud of them and their growth in their technology skills.”
From Beginning Google Classroom to an Intermediate Technology Course, the parents have continued to enhance their technology skills and can’t wait to learn even more.
“Thanks to the Mountain View School District for providing these classes for us parents,” said Gilberto Rosales, participant. “They are very helpful and allow us to be more up to date with the new ways of sending and receiving emails and creating and organizing documents,” he added.
Workshop instructors use a project-based learning approach and innovative curriculum designed to teach parents 21 Century skills which not only support their efforts to help their children, but empower them with technical skills.
“It has been an honor to work with the wonderful parents in the Mountain View School District,” said Maria Arteaga, PEBSEF instructor. “They have all done a tremendous job throughout the workshops and have learned to use technology effectively to communicate with their school and to be more engaged in their children's education.”
A culminating ceremony was held at the end of the 10-week workshop to acknowledge the parents for their dedication and hard work and provide them the opportunity to showcase their new tech skills. Additionally, a Chromebook was raffled off for participants with perfect attendance. The parents all expressed their appreciation to the District and the instructors for providing such a beneficial learning opportunity.
“I’m so thankful to our teacher, who with great patience shared her knowledge and to PEBSAF which has allowed us to meet excellent and very professional teachers,” said Luis E. Moya. “I appreciate the District providing these important classes and the other mothers and fathers who participated who have been excellent companions.”
“My sincere thanks to all the wonderful people who every day dedicate their time with a lot of love, dedication and effort to continue to help with the education of parents so that we can continue helping our children,” said Martin Padilla Guzman. “Education has no limits as long as we continue to have people like you on our side.”
The convenience of the workshops’ virtual platform enabled more parents to participate and the District plans to continue partnering with PEBSAF to host technology workshops as well as additional virtual workshops focusing on social emotional learning, financial literacy and planning and citizenship.