The Mountain View School District is wild about its volunteers! MVSD’s Family Engagement team, along with school and site Community Liaisons hosted a safari themed District Parent Volunteer Recognition celebration thanking the volunteers from the District’s eight schools, preschool programs and parent leadership team for their dedication and service during the 2023-24 school year.
MVSD’s volunteers are essential members of the school and District community, providing exceptional service and supporting staff and a variety of programs and special events. The celebration included certificates of appreciation, a delicious lunch, entertainment by Parkview School’s Conga Kids and a raffle. District and school administrators and Board of Education Member, Cindy Wu proudly joined in the celebration to thank and congratulate the dedicated volunteers for their outstanding service.
“Thank you for all you do for our students and schools each day,” said Dr. Raymond Andry, superintendent. “Your partnership and collaboration are greatly appreciated and support our efforts to provide a positive educational experience for all of our students. We couldn’t do it without our great volunteers and I’m grateful to work together as we continue our District’s mission to inspire each student to succeed every day.”
On behalf of the Board of Education, Ms. Wu addressed the volunteers.
“The work you do is evident in our schools and on behalf of the Board of Education, I thank you for all you do for our 4,600 students. You are leaders in your children’s lives, showing them that philanthropy and volunteerism makes a difference.”
MVSD’s volunteers provide tremendous support to the schools through assistance in classrooms, playground supervision, field trip supervision, office assistance, decorating for special events, fund raising, and participation on district and school site committees. They also provide valuable input for the development of the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and their participation in the Community Schools Planning Grant applications led to all eight schools being awarded the grant, totaling over $11 million for the District. Additionally, the Parent Leader group regularly leads classes and workshops for parents throughout the District.
Marlin Romo, has been a parent volunteer at Monte Vista School for over 10 years, starting as a volunteer when her college-age daughter was in third grade.
“The number one thing I enjoy about volunteering is being with my child at school,” said Romo. “I currently have a son in first grade and it’s great to be there with him. I also enjoy meeting other moms and working with the Community Liaisons and being part of the school and district community.”
Director of Family Engagement, Extended Learning and Migrant Education, Priscilla Figueroa,
thanked the volunteers for being an integral part of the Mountain View team and for their hearts for service which contribute greatly to the success of the entire District.
“Your involvement is vital to the success of each of our schools and our district programs and the important work you do benefits our students greatly and profoundly enhances MVSD,” said Figueroa. “We are extremely grateful for your dedication and effort, and we are just wild about you!”