MVSD is proud to continue its 15 year partnership with Mountain View High School’s Teacher Preparation Academy (TPA), bringing instructional support to MVSD’s elementary students. The aspiring teachers in TPA are making a great impact as tutors at Payne and Maxson schools. The group of approximately 80 high school juniors and seniors visit the schools two to three times per week and work directly with classroom teachers to provide instructional assistance, including one-on-one tutoring or group help in reading, writing, and math.
MVSD’s partnership with TPA began over 15 years ago and has proven to be a beneficial program for the high school and younger students, as well as teachers.
“It is wonderful to have TPA tutors in our classrooms,” said Ruby Huesca, a Dual Immersion Transitional Kindergarten teacher at Payne School. “They provide great support to our students in the areas of language and literacy and are excellent role models for them. Some of the tutors are former MVSD students who benefited from the program when they were younger and now are very happy to be part of it as tutors.”
The TPA program is coordinated by Mt. View High teachers, Amy Minick and Mary Boutté and is a three-year academy that operates through a state grant. The program is for 10th through 12th grade students and offers an opportunity for them to explore a career in education as a teacher, counselor or administrator. TPA students take child development classes and learn about classroom management, cross-age tutoring and careers in education. Additionally, this year, MVSD’s teachers provided training for the TPA students in the areas of phonemic awareness, letter sounds, and mathematics strategies before the juniors began working with students at Payne and the seniors with students at Maxson.
“Our partnership over the years with Mountain View School District has been wonderful, and we love working with their students,” said Boutté. “Through the hands-on tutoring we are preparing our TPA students for much more than teaching; we are preparing them to be responsible, capable, and compassionate people who are providing a great service.”
The TPA program is a very beneficial program, providing the opportunities and support for both the high school and younger students to be on the path to success.